Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Uniforms @ School.

Well the advantages of the uniforms that we wear here at Eagle Advantage are not that bad, they're only a black polo w/ the school logo on it & some regular khaki pants. Their pretty simple & not that bad looking. I actually enjoy them more than what I've seen people have to wear. Another, is that we look in 'in a way' professional. We look like a school w/ the least bit of class or organization. I like to dress nice, so sometimes I like to throw on a cute sweater, or cute boots to dress it up a bit. :)
Some disadvantages are the really dumb ones. Stuff like shirts being tucked out. I mean, we're not in the army or anything in that matter, even though some people visualize this school like that. I can understand that because we get written up for un-tucked shirts. One that especially bothers me is NO BRACELETS. What kind of school enforces that rule? This school, Advantage Academy, is only a simple little CHARTER school. Not even a private school. We're actually under Public schools & their more easy going than this school. They even get mad at us having jackets or sweaters w/ color & wording on it, even the ones w/ the logo of the brand on them.

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