Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Guy Bestfriend. < 333

This guy is named Jaylan Alvarez. < 3 He's one of the greatest guys that I have ever met. He's sixteen, goes to Molina, & has a hot girlfriend :) I'm really glad that I met him, he sure is a blessing. God knew that I needed someone like him in my life, he is a really good person. He'll read this someday, & think: 'Why would she post something about Me?' Love, because you're worth it. One day, he told me that Jake (his bestfriend also) wasn't worth being sad over. He understands where my heart was, but he knows that I'm strong enough to move on. & I am, so I'm moved on. Yes, somedays, I go back to my old thoughts, about Jake, & I fall into this state of mind that Jay & I dislike.
But I'll be fine, I always find a way. Right Jay? :)
Well, I love youu, & hope youu like this post.

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