Monday, November 1, 2010

To: Jake Sandoval, <|3

             Icannot believe it. You are very clever, cultivated, serious, you have immense talent, & perhaps a brilliant future awaits you. While iam an uninteresting girl of no importance, & you know very well that ishould be only a hindrance in your life. It is true that you were attracted by me & you had found your ideal in me, but that was a mistake.. & now you are asking yourself in despair: 'Why did imeet that girl?' & only your goodness of heart prevents you from owning it to yourself...


  1. You and I are always going to be.. Unfinished business.

  2. If only your grammar matched your humor and diction.... I would be your proud English teacher.

  3. You really do have awesome diction, I'm impressed!

  4. i love you amanda this is quality <3
