Monday, November 8, 2010

Benchmark Testing.

I absolutely despise Benchmark testing. Do you understand how many rules that they lay down for us for taking a PRACTICE TEST? Wow, their are so many that are So Stupid, that we have to follow. Yet, we have no choice but to follow them. Like one of them is no jackets. Seriously, & do they know how cold the room gets. Like, it's not my fault that the big people get hot quick. Excuse me if that offends anyone. But it's true, & I'm not big. So I'm cold All The Time. I mean, yeah some people wear those under-long sleeve shirts, i do too. But that doesn't solve anything when those shirts are so thin. That's the one that bothers me the most.
& sometimes, they don't even let us draw or something. Like what can we do, draw someone the answers? Stupid, no.