Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You <|3

Youu don't realize how bad youu hurt me. Youu still don't realize. But it's okay, as long as you're happy. Right? My happiness never really mattered, it was just all about youu & your happiness. So youu did what youu hadda do. But that still doesn't make it right.
What iwrote to my best guy friend, which is also His bestfriend;
"ifelt like nothin, like iabsolutely put no effect on his life or feelins. ifelt like we were almost the same type of person. but, that's no excuse. i'll be fine. iused to enjoy doodling his name on the sides of my paper & such. now ihave to rip 'em all to shreds. iwill be fine though.
i'll be fine, ialways find a way."
Imiss youu Jake, ido. But this pic's all ihave left of youu.
Ibet youu don't even remember the things we said.
Forget youu. Like youu've forgotten all bout me.


  1. Amanda ; Dont worrie everything will be ok. it hurts in the beginning but i know your a strong girl <3 i love you and remember that you have alot of friends that are here for you and that will never LEAVE you ! Amanda Paige Cano I Love You Now And Forever! <3

  2. Monster; iknow :/ Aha.

    CrustyCreep; ilove youu, you're so supportive. Also, ihope youu know that you're not alone. Never. It does hurt in the begining, but at the end ido realize that i'm not alone. I'm glad ihave youu & the rest of my friends. Y'all are very oober special to me.
    Now & forever Crystal Marie Salazar. < 333

  3. The Master Brow, iknow. But iknow we have unfinished business. That icannot get over.
    We need to talk too. Me & youu.

    Magical fairy godmother, ilove youu tooo! < 3 :)

  4. i'm here for you boo <3 luv u so much bbbb hahah

  5. Your strong amanda, I know that with time your heart will heal. You know me and everyone else are here for you. Your amazing, beautiful, smart, you have a smile that just makes me want to hold you and never let go! I'm pretty sure that you and everyone else knows that I LIKE YOU A LOT and you can tell me whatever you want. This is a quote that I want to tell you that everytime I see you it pops in my head. Trying to not like you is like trying to remember someone I've never met.. its IMPOSSIBLE <3

  6. @Dale, thank you. ihope youu know i'm here for youu too. Love yah boo :)

    @Shoeboy94, Thank you. Ireally appreciate how nice youu are to me.
